McKinney Mommas: Inspiration For School Lunches #RockTheLunchbox + Giveaway! Google+

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Inspiration For School Lunches #RockTheLunchbox + Giveaway!

It's not easy to stay inspired about making your kids lunch day after day, is it?

Rock the Lunchbox is a great resource for those of us who are tired of trying to dream up exciting new lunches to pack for our kiddos.

I was challenged by the site to ask my child to draw their "Dream Lunch" and then turn it into a more nutritious lunch, using some of our favorite organic and natural lunch / snack brands - like Annie's Homegrown, Applegate, Honest Kids, etc.

Annie's homegrown, Applegate Half Time Lunch Kit, Blue Avocado Rezip Bag
Baby O. trying out her new Blue Avocado Rezip Bag (left) & Big Sister H. happy to try Applegate Half Time Lunch (right)

Well, my three year old either knew what was going on, or she's just THAT wise.

She chose to draw herself eating an apple and a cracker. Now that didn't give me much to work with.

Oh, well.

Honest Kids, Stonyfield Yogurt Pouch, Figs,

Being that we had just been to the farmer's market, my daughter helped me choose some of her favorite items for a healthy lunch.

  • Fresh, organic carrots with hummus dip
  • PB & J on Rudi's White Bread
  • Fresh Mozzarella Balls
  • Figs from the Farmer's Market
  • Annie's Bunny Fruit Snacks
  • Stonyfield YoKids Yogurt 
  • Honest Kids Berry Berry Good Lemonade

Check out this new Bento Lunchbox by Laptop Lunches (pictured above), I love how each little food gets its own compartment.  My daughter loved all the different colors, and finding which foods fit in which boxes. 

Laptop Lunches Bento Boxes are recyclable, reusable, BPA & Lead Free, totally eco-friendly so you can feel good that your child's (or your own) food is safe and secure.

Many of the compartments come with lids as well, so you can keep each lunch item from spilling out onto the others.

You know, according to a national survey, finding variety in packing school lunches is the biggest challenge for parents. Plus, 53% of kids reported they have the same items in their lunch every day!


If you need to find ways to make your kids lunches more exciting, go to: and grab some coupons while you're there for great, organic products your kids will thank you for!

reusable snack bag, blue avocado, eco-friendly bag

I will say that I have been using the Blue Avocado Rezip© Bag (almost daily for my kiddos snacks.

I feel seriously green not having to use a brand new plastic zipper bag every day for their snacks!

What was that?

You want to try the Blue Avocado Rezip© Bag for yourself?

Okay. How about we throw in a Laptop Lunch Bento Box, U-Konserve Stainless Steel Container and a bunch of FREE product coupons?

Win A #RockTheLunchbox Prize Package - Valued at over $70.00!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. My daughter took cottage cheese with fruit for lunch .

  2. My grandson usually takes a Turkey or Ham and Cheese sandwich and a piece of fruit and juice for lunch.

    janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

  3. my daughter brought a salad, granola and an apple (her choice) and my son brought a homemade "lunchable".

  4. my daughter loves p and j with diced fruit on the side

  5. Homemade gluten free chicken cutlets, grapes, apple, carrot.

  6. Today there was peanut butter and jelly and juice.

  7. Grapes, goldfish and fruit snacks are the favorite right now. thanks for the chance

  8. (sigh)-they buy their lunch at school! Maybe we can change that!

  9. yesterday, they had meat rollups, cheesesticks, pistachios, carrots, and an apple. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! girlygirlugh at gmail dot com

  10. My daughter loves pouches, grilled cheese, and goldfish!

  11. no lunch box for the nephew. he bought his lunch. normally pb and j, carrot sticks, apple slices, and almonds.

    danielle marie xdanimarie(at)yahoo(dot)com

  12. It depends on the day of the week. My son usually gets lunch.provided for him at daycare

  13. I packed him a sandwich, cookies and fruit.

  14. Today I packed my daughter pasta salad, a banana, pretzels and a blueberry muffin for snack time. She also brings a water bottle.

  15. I actually don't know because daycare provides it

  16. I try to always include dried fruit or raisins.

  17. a pb&J tortilla wrap, baby carrots, a plum and a juice box

  18. We don't pack a lunch unless we go somewhere! But this would make it SO MUCH EASIER!

  19. She took yogurt and string cheese for a snack.

  20. My youngest daughter had pepperoni and ham rolled up, and cheese cut in squares. Other daughter had ham and cheese sand which ,son had toast hes sick :( ,

  21. Ham and cheese with mustard, chips and a juice box and a apple for snack

  22. Chicken nuggets, applesauce, yogurt

  23. Ham and cheese sandwhich baby bel cheese 1 Apple and apple juice

  24. a lunchable, yikes! Thanks so much for the chances to win this one.

  25. My son's not in school yet, but today we had Pizza Hut for lunch. It was his first visit there, and he loved it.

  26. probably a bagel with cream cheese, a fruit cup, and some oreos

  27. Sandwiches. I'm always trying to come up with some new ideas as, while there are no complaints as of yet, I get bored making them!

  28. I don't have a child, but for my lunch I had a PB&J, pickle spear, Bbq chips and a babybel cheese circle. Yum!

  29. Turkey sandwich, banana, raisins and orange juice.

  30. In my kids lunchboxes are water bottles, fruit, cheese
    Thanks for the chance

  31. I usually put a sandwich, some fruit and some little carrots in my kids lunchbox. I mix up it with different kinds of sandwich's, different kinds of fruit and a try to find fun vegs!

  32. My son is buying his lunch at school today. Thank you!

  33. My son had a cheese sandwich, apple slices, baby carrots, and Pirates Booty

  34. sandwich, carrots, apple, string cheese, yogurt, fruit snacks

  35. I sent some leftover chicken, an apple, and a bottle of water.

  36. Peanut butter and strawberry jelly sandwich, a yellow apple, and cheez its.

  37. Now that it's cooler out, a lot of soups and leftovers go in the lunch box.

  38. Thank you for the giveaway. I try to change things up, but it can be difficult to fit enough containers in her bag. She has a sandwich, oranges, juice, and goldfish crackers for tomorrow.

  39. My son had a sandwich, apple, fruit snacks, and juice.
    Brittney House

  40. Yesterday we made a large batch of vegan chili in the crockpot, so that is going in the lunches along with carrot sticks, an orange, and apple juice.

  41. Nothing today but usually carrot sticks!

  42. Sandwich string cheese and apple slices sounds really good what we usually go with

  43. today i packed a sandwich, grapes, pudding and celery

  44. I usually pack crackers and cheese. My kids like pudding cups and gummy snacks.

  45. Peanut butter and jelly. Apple, and string cheese!!

  46. Peanut butter and jelly and apples!

  47. Ham and turkey wrap,veggie soup ,and fruit cups


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