McKinney Mommas: Placenta Blood Banking - It Could Make a Life/Death Difference! Google+

Friday, April 22, 2016

Placenta Blood Banking - It Could Make a Life/Death Difference!

I was provided a promotional item to facilitate this post.  All opinions are 100% my own and not influenced by the company described in this post. 

It's the thing that we, as parents of healthy children never want to think about.

Our child being diagnosed with a serious or terminal illness. 

But, it DOES happen. It's happened to two families who were very close to me, and then lost their siblings to a terrible childhood illness.

What if there was a way to increase your child's chance of survival, and possibly even complete and total healing through placenta banking - would you say yes?

Of course, you would. 

This family said yes.

As it turns out, this little boy Quentin was diagnosed with a rare acute lymphoblastic leukemia, which only has a 30% chance of survival, but due to his family's choice to use a cord blood bank, where they kept the cord blood of his newborn sister, he survived. 

A stem-cell transplant from his sister's placenta banking and cord blood was the answer that lead to his complete healing and cancer-free remission.

How awesome is that? The answer? Completely and totally awesome!

Did you know that the placenta is the only temporary organ in a woman's body, that the body disposes of after it serves its role?

Did you also know, that the placenta blood has progenitor stem cells, that would otherwise be disposed of by the hospital, but that may be used to help heal damaged tissue or organs in sibling or close blood relation?

So, why wouldn't you choose to use LifebankUSA, the only company that currently offers placenta blood, cord blood and tissue banking!

The Collection Process 

The collection process is painless for both mother and baby. After the baby is born and the placenta is expelled (yes, this happens for all new mothers) the placenta is placed in a sterile canister and then into the LifebankUSA collection kit. 

Why Do I Need Placenta Blood Banking?
Placenta blood can be used for increasing other types of stem cells ability to regenerate organs and tissue. 

Since 2015, LifebankUSA has already released 19 placenta blood units to assist in transplants for patients ranging in ages 3 months to 45 years old!

It's working, it's being used and heaven forbid you actually ever need it, placenta blood banking could potentially be the difference between a healthy, happy child and one who is suffering from a terminal illness with no cure in sight. 

I'm done having children, and the placenta blood banking wasn't available when I had my last child, but it's something I'd seriously consider now if I was given the choice. 


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